Sunday, October 14, 2012
Hello To My 13 Followers!!!
So yet again I must appoligize. Yes I do realize it has been AGESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! since I last wrote. I honestly have about a million reasons why I haven't.
First off I started my college classes reacently so pretty much all of my online time has been going to that.
We have changed the wedding plans yet again. Instead of waiting till next year to have a super huge wedding that we really can't afford, we are getting married when my grandparents come down from Illinois. Oh yah did I mention the wedding date is the 21st...of in like 6 DAYS FROM NOW!! Yes I am crazy... you would be to if you grew up with my family hahaha. Anyways, we are only having about 30 People there mostly family, and a couple friends that are considered family. I have my dress, made most of my accessories, our rings came in yesterday, my sister is doing my hair and her hubby is mking the most awesome bbq in the whole state of Texas!! Yes I know everybody says theirs is the best but they have never had my brother-in-laws bbq if they are saying that. I PROMISE I will post pics after and as a super special treat I will post a breakdown of how I pulled off my super awesome wedding for less then $300, the most expensive part is the food.
People please be ready to mentally Gibbs me, I have a confession to make. It has been about 2 months since I last actively exercised. But I think I am ready to get back on the wagon, if I could just stop losing motivation and stay away from the junk food.
Well I guess I better get my butt to bed, 5:45 comes awful early in the morning, and I need to get up to get that workout in before the kiddos get up. Wish me luck!!!
Later Y'all!!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Homecoming and strep throat
I gota call from the school nurse this afternoon saying that I had to go pick up Bella. She was running a temp of 103.6. Went and picked her up and went straight to the ER. I have to say I LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! The new S&W Childrens Hospital. We were in a room and talking with the nurse and Dr within 15 mins of walking through the doors. My biggest worry was that Bella had picked up the west nile virus, which for any of you hiding under rocks at the moment is really bad here in texas right now. Luckly, but unluckly, Bella only has a case of Strep Throat. This is the second time she has had strep this year. She is on antibiotics, has to stay home tomorrow but can go back to school Friday as long as she doesnt have a fever. She is happy about that because she wants to be able to wear her new mum to school friday lol. I think that is about all for now. I have to got put another fussy little miss back to sleep.
later y'all!!!
Friday, September 7, 2012
I'm Back
1- I am going to take Saturday and Sunday off as my last free days.
2- starting Monday I am going to start the C25K program over from w1d1.
3- I will attend Zumba twice a week on Monday and Wednesdays.
4-I will start 30ds again from D1L1. Yes I do realize that means 3 workouts a day on Mondays and Wednesdays.
5- I will get my eating back under control.
I am tired of being overweight and tired all the time. I want to look amazing in my wedding dress a little over a year from now. I know that this is not going to be easy and I will probably fall off the wagon several more time before all is said and done with but the important thing is that I don't give up. That i pick right back up and keep going . I deserve to be happy with myself and to feel like the Sexy Goddess my Fiance swears I am. I need this. I want this. I WILL DO THIS!!!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Typical Tuesday
Later Yall
Monday, August 13, 2012
Monday's This and That
Weekly Quote-" Because today is another chance to get things right"
Weekly weigh in - 218.0
Color of the week- pure ice: free fall
I think thats all for now. Later Y'All
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Random Wednesday.
First off I am part of Mama Laughlin's Fit Camp of Facebook. As everybody that reads this knows I generally do my weigh in on Monday. Well the weigh in for the fitness challenge in the group is Wednesday, so I went ahead and weighed myself for a 2nd time this week. Guess what!!! 217.4 people!!!! Thats down a whole 1.4 lbs from Monday!! BooYah!!
Things are strangly quiet around the Camp/Watson household tonight. My oldest Bella is spending a few days at my sisters house before school starts. Now normally my little Boo is a MAJOR Chatterbox. She even talks in her sleep people!! Don't get me wrong I am enjoying the noise-less-ness, but at the same time I really miss the constant chatterin of her sweet little voice.
Emi got to spend some time at Aunt Jess's today too while mommy and daddy ran to the store. Not 10 mins after we left we get a phone call from my sister askin us how we get her to stop fussing. She tried chaging her, giving her a bottle, feeding her, singing to her and nothing was working. I told to go lay her on the bed and let her fuss. I guess she did because I didn't get anymore phone calls.
I think I am going to take a break from the 30 Day Shred for a couple weeks. I think that combined with the running is just too much for me right now. I have fealt so exhausted lately. I really want to be able to give the C25K everything I have right now. Don't worry I will come back to 30DS soon but right now I think it is the best thing for me.
Nothing new on the Wedding front for now.
I am kind of nervous and kind of excited about Bella starting Kindergarten in about 2 weeks. I'm not sure why I am nervous, I just am. She went to a headstart program here in town last year so she is going to know most of the people in her class. But still, i don't know, maybe it is just the thought that she is going to start real honest to goodness school. Makes me kind of feel old. HaHa.
Ok I think I have wasted enough of your time for tonight.
Later Y'All!!!
Monday, August 6, 2012
Monday's This and That
On a compleatly different note, and a way happie one, at least to me. After changing the date more times then I can remember I think we have an official date for the wedding!!!1 It is a little more then a year from now. 10-19-13!!! I am sooooo excited. This gives me plenty of time to work on losing weight before I have to order my dress. And since this is mostly going to be a DIY wedding, this will give us plenty of time to get things together. I will probably be posting lots of pictures and money saving tips for anyone who is interested. Our goal is to stay under $5000 for the whole wedding. Totally doable with me and my mom.
Now for some fun stuff!!!
Weekly weigh in...wait for it.....218.8!!!! I swear I wanted to shout out loud when I saw that this morning. I haven't seen that number in months. And in 2 more lbs you all get progression pics!!! so i will probably be posting those next week hopefully!!!
Color of the week - Pure Ice: Excuse Me. I don't have a pic yet but i love this color yellow.
Quote of the week - "Be the girl you were too lazy to be yesterday" So true today because of how crappy a weekend I had.
Well I think that is all for now.
Laters Y'All
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Running Changes Already
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Possible 5k
Tomorrow is day 2 of my C25K training. I was looking at local 5ks coming up and there is one in november and one in December that I think I may sign up for. Im not totally sure yet, lets wait and see how im doing a little closer to race day.
Other then that, nothing much is new.
Until next time, later y'all
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Monday's This and That and a couple of updates
First up something I am pretty excited about. I weighed in at 220.2 yesterday. Thats nother 2 pounds gone yall!!! With eating crappy all weekend and having shark week last week. I thinks thats pretty good.
Started the C25K yesterday. It was kind of hard. I wanted to quit half way through but I stuck it out, ran for the full time when I was supposed to and walked when I was supposed to. I really like this prgram...for now...I think this will really help with the weight loss. I am also trying to find the time to start Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. So far the past couple days i haven't been able to make the time. Ahhh the life of being the mother of 2. As long as I am still getting my morning workouts in I'm not supper worried about a second daily workout at the moment, it would just be nice to fit in it before bed.
Now For Some Fun Stuff.
Weekly weight - 220.2
Color of the week - Pure Ice: Hot Tamale
I am really loving this color. I'm not a huge orange fan but this one i could wear all the time.
Quote of the week - "That voice in your head that says you can't do this...IS A LIAR!!"
Well I think that is all for now. Except for a couple pics of my cuties. Later Y'All.
Emi watchin Monsters Inc. She is such a couch potato.
Emi and Bells...My 2 camera divas
So adorable...Till she wakes up!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Down To The Nitty Gritty
So here it is folks, this is what you all have been waiting for. Just to give everybody a better idea of where I am starting at I took some pics and measurments this morning.
Monday, July 23, 2012
This and That Mondays
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
It's Been A Long Day
First off I ended up not having to go into work at all today so I was kind of happy about that.
I had a very lazy day today. I didn't get any workouts in today. I feel like shit for it too. But starting tomorrow I am going to hit the ground running...literally. I will be back on my 3 a day workouts. I'm tired of not seeing any results. I need to get uber serious about this if i want to lose the weight before June. I am also going to start trying to eat cleaner, and not near as big of portions of things. I need you all to help keep me acountable for what I am doing. The good, bad, and the ugly you are going to get to read it all hopefully that will get me to stay on track.
In other news, we had D's aunts funeral today. It was pretty boring to say the least. It was all D could do to stay awake during it and both girls did fall asleep. It was longer then any funeral should have ever been. Oh and just so you know I generally hate funerals anyway, too many sad depressing emotions in the air, they always give me a major headache. But I wanted to be there for D and my future mother in law.
Well I think that is all for now. Later Y'All
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Just another Tuesday
Monday, July 16, 2012
This and That Monday's
Last week I finally bought my own scale, I had been using my mothers scale prior to this. Upon getting my new toy home, opening it up, and using it for the first time I discovered that my mothers scale had been lieing to me!!! To be fare this scale is rather old and probably need new batteries. So with that being said, starting this week I am starting over at a starting weight of 224.2 and will only refer to my scale during weigh-ins so as to not right being lied to by a biased scale again.
On Friday evening I happened to notice that Alex FINALLY!!! has her first tooth!!! it only took 8 months to come in, haha. I have a feeling a few more aren't that far behind.
I was going to post up pictures this week but of course my computer decided it doesn't want to read my sd card...ugggg...if its not one thing its another, so it looks like I will probably be getting a new sd card.
I have started a new workout schedule, instead of just 20 mins a day I have decided to up my workouts to 3, 20-30 min a day workouts. My Running first thing in the morning, Zumba sometime in the afternoon, and Yesterday I started the 30 Day Shred. Yes I am now officially a ShredHead. I am loving this new routine. Before this I would do my Run first thing in the morning and then all day I would be itching to get another run in after work but then by the time we had dinner and I got everybody settled and in bed there wouldn't be time for another run. This way I can get a workout in during nap time and I don't have to worry about having someone watch the girls while I run later at night because I can just work out in the comfort of my living room. I think this will be perfect for me and Oh Em Gee!! I love the after-burn of this 30 Day Shred. My arms and legs are shaking so bad when I get done and keep burning for a long while after. I love that I can feel it working already and it has only been 2 days.
So now some fun stuff...
Official weigh in weight for the week...224.2
Inspiration Color of the week>>> Pure Ice - Not Now - it is a totally awesome shade of dark green
Quote for the week>>>"Your Body Can Do Anything...It's Your Brain You Need To Convince.'
*Side Note- Most of the quotes I found on Pinterest, so for most of them I have no clue who said them or came up with them. If I do happen to know I will give credit where credit is due- end side note*
This Weeks Workout Schedule - 5-6 days this week...
Morning - Run 1 min, speedwalk 3 min, slow walk 1 min...repeat 4 20 mins
Afternoon - Zumba workout - 5-6 Amber Blackmon Videos on YouTube - total 20-25 mins
Evening - 30 Day Shred - Level 1 - total 25 mins
Well I think that is all for now, hopefully I can get some pics up this week, I really want to post my starting pics up, mostly for my own motivation, but also so anybody reading this can see my starting point.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Its Raining, Its Pouring
Yep thats right...more rain. Don't get me wrong, I'm not exactly complaining. We need the rain, and i love that its not a million degrees outside, it just makes me so tired when the weather is like this, and it means I won't be able to get another workout in tonight. Oh well.
So I am mostly writing this post because i happen to be really bored at the moment. And I kinda have the munchies but i don't want to eat anything else till dinner. Instead I am sipping some apple cinnamon detox water that I found the recipe for on Pinterist. I gotta tell you its better then I expected.
And yes like so many other people recently I am ADDICTED to Pinterist. I keep trying to get my mom onto it but she keeps ignoring me. Her loss.
Well i guess thats all for now. Later Y'all
IHOP Boycott
Ok so I didn't post this last night because i was too upset and didn't want to sound too much like a ranting fool. For those of you that didn't already know this D and I rent from my parents on the same property that their house is on. Anyway last night after I got off work we all went to Killeen to an oriential store thats there. When we got done we decided to eat at IHOP because we hadn't in awhile. There were 9 of us total, we all sat together but we had 2 seperate bills. Did you all knoe that at IHOP there is an 18% gratuity just for having 9 people sit at the same table!!!!!??? We didnt recieve any extra service from any of the other guests. Our waitress only passed by once inbetween giving us our food n giving us our bill, never even asked if anybody needed refills. Now I am generally a gracious tiper. Unless the service really sucks or is totally awesome I leave $5 or 10% whichever is higher. Which is what i was going to leave till i found out about tjat extra 18% added onto the bill. The service wasnt worth 18%. If we had 15-20 people there yah sure i wouldn't be complaining. But we only had 9 and it was 2 seperate bills!! The bill was for mine n Ds food and our drinks, there was a sign in the window that said that kids eat free and the tried to charge us for them. It still cost us way more then it should have, especially since we ordered off the specials menu. Uggg it just pissed me off. Who the heck charges 18%!!!! For 9 people?? IHOP!!! I'll tell you what I am never stepping in an IHOP again. I know this may not seem too bad just reading it but trust me it was more of a "should have been there to compleatly understand" kind of moment.
Ok end of rant... anybody that reads this feel free to let me know your thoughts or opinions on this subject....thats all for now laters Y'all
Monday, July 9, 2012
Mondays Whatever Day
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Just Another Weekend
After the party, D and I went out on date night. this is the first date night we have had in a very long while, normally we have kids and/or other adults with us. We went to eat at the Oscar store (great food by the way) then we were supposed to go to the rodeo. The weather started getting bad so we didnt want to drive that far out so we just enjoyed some quiet time together. Went to Specs n got some drinks and some alcohol infused whipped cream, picked up Alex from my sisters (Boo spent the night there with my niece), came home, put Alex in bed and enjoyed a couple drinks, and some whipped cream. That stuff is awesome but is very Strong!! You really should try some though if you haven't already. I don't think we ended up actually going to bed till 1:30-2ish.
Today was a pretty laid back day. D had to work and everybody else myself included just fealt like being lazy. But its getting late and I am getting up to exercise at 5 am so I better get my butt to bed. Night Y'all
Friday, July 6, 2012
So as I am sitting here watching Alex sleep, praying she doesn't decide to wake up again, and waiting on D to get home i am contimplating the best way to start getting som traffic to my blog. I know I said I didn't set out to be one of the most popular blogs out there, and I didn't. but i would like to know someone has seen it. Oh well I guess all I can do atm is just keep blogging someone will see it someday and hopefully they will be inspired.
Starting tomorrow morning I am back on a strict workout schedule, I have promised myself that I will workout a minimun of 5 days next week, hope to get in 6, and if im really lucky I will be able to get a workout in everyday next week. Monday is my first weigh-in and i am not expecting much of a change since I haven't been very productive this week. I have also set a new goal starting next week, i am going to attempt to give up soda cold turkey. I have found a couple natural favored water recepies on Pinterest that I want to try. Wish me luck on that especially since I LOVE!!!! soda.
Welp its 10:30. I'm guessing D is still busy finishing closing paperwork. I need to get my fat butt to bed if im gonna be getting up at 5am...which I am!!!! Night Y'All :)
Everybody please mentally gibbs me now, today is going to be a really off day. I wasn't able to get my workout in this morning mostly because i didnt get to bed till almost 1am. Between a fussy baby, a sick 5yr old n a worried hubby last night was not a good night. I didnt realize how quickly i would need/depend on that morning workout to jumpstart my day. Plus on top of that I'm drinking a coke first thing this morning i know i know shame on me but i really thought i was gonna need it, i took one sip n now i know i didnt. I am going to try n make it last most of the workday though n i promised myself this would be the last one for awhile. Well wish me luck for the rest of the day. Have a great one y,all.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Let the journey begin
Just so everybody knows I am actually starting this blog after I started my journey. I was just going to journal everything, all my thoughts, accomplishments, actions, habits, everything when I realized that I would feel more accountable if i put that all down where who knows how many people would possibly see it. Yes that thought is pretty scarry but if what i write helps to motivate even one person, to me that will be worth it in the long run. So please sit back and enjoy the ride and welcome to my life. :)
P.S. For the saftey and privacy of all my family and friends, the only Full name that will be used in this blog will be mine, all other names are nicknames that we do use in our everyday lives. Thanks Anna
Me and My Fiance D. October 2011
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D, Boo(far right) n Alex (baby in middle) November 2011 |